Bouwtechnisch Adviesbureau Versteeg continues under Pelecon structural engineers

At Pelecon, we don’t hide the fact that we don’t sit still. For instance, a merger last year strengthened our services. We are hiring new engineers to meet the increasing demand and we are developing our knowledge. However, entrepreneurship also means making decisions that are not directly related to growth, but are logical for the focus of our company.

As from 1 April 2022 we will no longer offer services under the name Bouwtechnisch Adviesbureau Versteeg. The partnership between Versteeg and Pelecon was so intertwined that we took the logical step of no longer distinguishing between the two companies. And to continue together under the name Pelecon structural engineers.

Loyalty to each other
The structural engineers who worked for Versteeg are continuing their careers at Pelecon Gouda, so their knowledge will not be lost. We thank them and the clients of Versteeg for their trust and the positive reactions we received to this step.

Questions, introductions or just catching up?
Do you have any questions or would you just like a cup of coffee? Then please contact one of the partners of Pelecon. Henk van Vliet, André Verschoor and Mack Stolwijk can be reached at, +31 (0)182 231 400 (Pelecon Gouda) or +31 (0)33 277 33 36 (Pelecon Amersfoort).

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